dinsdag 23 december 2008

So what is next?

Been quiet for a while now on the Subdreamer front.Not that is has changed much it has been annoyingly the same last weeks. The Org is still dictated by the SD people (well that is one i believe at this moment) and the .com has no way to say anything.

No new version as testing still goes on for 2.6... and V3 is plain out of sight.

Most that where unhappy left SD (if possible) and some remain and take the pain. Which brings me to... tatata

What if you want to change? What is our option? We all went for subdreamer one time.. not due to the glossy site or outstanding openness of the thing but because it does what is says it does. The admin as great and remains unbeaten in my book. Many try and get it sort of right but none as fast as SD.

Ok enough with SD.. we are beyond that ;) what's next?


I went for E107 at this time and that seems to be a well maintained piece of software with forum already in place. Also has understandable plugins and is well supported in open source communities. For me it works...

What are you doing?

5 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

I'm trying to learn Joomla. It seems to have a huge community with a ton of addons. They've recently released v1.5, and their admin panel has become much more understandable in the last couple years.

Whereas SD has multiple levels of subcategories, it feels like this one operates on a single set of categories with one level of subcategories below that. However, because of the way it creates independent menues based on which section you're viewing, you could simulate sub-subcategories, if my understanding is correct.

On the other hand, if you were to say that you'd determined how to convert SD articles to e107 articles and were willing to share the info, I'd begin to give that CMS a strong look. It's been recommended by another webmaster I know.

Menno zei

Yeah Yoomla, it is pretty strong but the admin is quite difficult to master. Same goes for e107 though. I would have to look and see if there is a way to have SD articles converted to e107 .. that would be huge and of course that info should be shared :)

Unknown zei

Did you see their recent post that SD3 will be out the first half of this year, rewritten from scratch, and will make all of your dreams come true?

Menno zei

Yeah after you directed me to it. I stopped following SD at this time and am concentrating on different ways to get my stuff done. Joomla is indeed better in v1.5 and can be used in my case.
As i am still a paying and registered member of SD i will check it out.

It does however reflect the way "he" works in a weird way. They have been talking about V3 for a while now and in the meantime they work on 2.6? I do not get that.. why spend so much time (over 2 years) on a version that will not be used because V3 is out?
I think they will sell V3 as a separate product which you can upgrade to... seeing the history on how they do business it must be something fishy like that...

Time will tell... ;)

Unknown zei

I'm very frustrated because I know that it's going to take me the better part of 2009 to learn enough about Joomla and mysql in general to do any kind of conversion. So I'm stuck on SD until then. I had to risk upgrading my site to 2.6 RC1 (my subscription expired before the later release came out) because of a bug in 2.5.3 that prevented guests using Firefox 2 from reading articles on my site.

I don't think he's written a single line of code for v3 yet.