maandag 31 augustus 2009

Another piece of feedback on

This should be nominated for deletion or moderation hence the reason i think it should be here where it will remain until Subdreamer starts listening and stops this bullshit sales of a CMS that will never come.

here's the post:


Atska 08-31-2009 08:33 PM
Dear Subdreamer Team [Atska]

Dear Subdreamer Team.

I do not try to create a flaming thread (I hate those), but I will use this method to let you know the recent feeling I got about Subdreamer. (Why not on PM? Because the answer [If any] shall be of the public knowledge).

When I meet Subdreamer, it was by a pirated version of it (a community who was using it), so yea, after it i downloaded (pirated) and loved it. So i decided to buy a license (Same license i renew last year). Since the begning i was amazed with the plugins and discover the develop of it.

(Back in that time, 2 years ago)
1.- There was some plugins which served my needs
2.- There was a SDK for develop plugins and skins
3.- There was 'critical updates'

But, today... after 2 years...

1.- The plugins are the same (and most of them are not updated)
2.- The SDK is the same (it could be expanded with more detailed stuff)
3.- I jumped from 2.1 to 2.4 which contains some bug fixes and a 'skin allowed to save the plugin location' which was done in (not by the subdreamer team [Correct me if im wrong])
4.- Subdreamer is based on PHP4 (which is already not supported by PHP), so many bugs can popup in time to time. Subdreamer is not ready for PHP 5.3 or 6. It doesnt use classes and methods (which many MANY people suggest for create a secure site) instead of use global functions.
5.- It doesnt have a well commented code (So, if u are newbie at this u will get a hard time)
6.- It doesnt use any coding/commenting standards (For example, ZendFramework Coding Formating Standard, or phpDoc commenting standard)

As far I see, we got a promise of a new version (who cares about numers [I, and Subdreamer team say]) in July. Tomorrow is October 1st (2 months later) and we only got a screenshot of the Administration panel which can be done (honeslty) with any design software, even with just some HTML and CSS mods. It doesnt show any difference from the old one (in functionality), it just show a pretty look with new colors and icons.

If the sofware was announced for release (and even with some promotions and 'inviting' people renew because of the excitment), i would think it was because the software was already in beta or ready for release. A delay of 2 months means it wasnt even ready at that time. So i may think it was some bad business and/or some abuse to the customers. While it could get fixed by 'We are sorry for the inconvenient, we are going to extend your license the months we have delayed the version'. Well, thats some really difference. But sadly, i havent seen the Subdreamer team taking any responasibility for their delay with solutions (not just apologies).

At the end of october my license is going to expire. And sadly i think i wont be able to get the new sofware. 'Renew then' most fans would say. But, after renewed my license 1 time (and I think it was an expensive one, compared to others in options, productivity, etc), i got not reelevant updates from Subdreamer in 2 years. So yea, my money could be named 'wasted'.

Why wasted? Because I would think im supporting the proyect, but if i support the proyect (like many of us) then I (and we i guess) expect more results.

'We have troubles with the team, or development, etc'. Honestly, if the proyect would be a 'hobby' or 'open source', Thats really something the customers NEED to respect. But this is a payed sofware, and customers pays for what is done and what is coming (thats why the license have an expiration time).

So, if i could resume all this drama in one word is 'disappointed'. And im not disappointed since last months. I was disappointed since last year but i put some hope and faith in the team so i renewed.

Lock, Delete or respond to this thread. But if it get deleted i hope you save it for youself, a disappointed customer is important to hear.

1.- English is not my primary language so excuse me the hard time you are going to get trying to understand it.
2.- I speak by myself. (I do not intend to speak by 'we' or 'customers'). Its merely my point of view.
3.- I try to be objective. Excuse me if i got this a bit subjective
4.- Thanks Subdreamer team, because you improved my skills when i tried to develop for your CMS time ago.

original link (if it keeps working) LINK

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